If there's one sentiment that captures my last year it would be the feeling of both waiting and rushing - always looking to what comes next and yearning for the next piece to fall into place.
I often feel like I'm just waiting for what's next instead of just feeling the present moment. There are plenty of things in my life I'd love to change or do better, but there are also so many parts of my life now I could only have dreamed of a few years ago. I wanted to make this piece about waiting and being in progress as a destination - that where we are is already where we should be.
I've spent a lot of the past year standing as bus stops, feeling horribly impatient and like I was wasting my time. Recently, I was listening to the Dear Sugar podcast and Cheryl Strayed (author of Wild) talked about the way many our seemingly useless and mundane experiences can be the material for the work of artists. It made me think differently about all the time I spend waiting - whether it's the standing at the bus stop in a crowd of commuters or counting down the minutes until the end of the workday. They count. They can fuel your work and inspire you if you let them.
I'm trying to wait less. I've been reminding myself that even the boring moments can meaningful and that I can't spend my days just wondering if I'll ever "make it". Here's to trying to hold space for gratitude and being proud of our imperfect, always-in-progress lives.